Category archives: Love Yourself Challenges
- 5 years ago
Those in secure relationships want the same as the ones in the insecure relationships. The difference is in the security they find within themselves. If the other fails in some way to return the lo... [read more]
- 5 years ago
What happens when we believe the lies we have been told? Well, let me tell you, everyone gets hurt by someone at some point in life. Very few people, who have lived for any time at all, can say they... [read more]
- 5 years ago
How does someone come to grips with the fact that the one they absolutely love, who makes their heart beat and stop, doesn’t want to be with them? The feeling of being uncared for, abandoned or rejec... [read more]
- 5 years ago
The Intimacy Free behavior, believes that others are not reliable, dependable or trustworthy when it comes to his or her needs. It can be so frustrating to have to be vulnerable to others when all th... [read more]
- 6 years ago
Purpose was my idol and as I pursued my purpose, life became complicated. Because I was so distracted, I couldn’t manage the “insignificant” life I had. That made me feel even more insignificant. Than... [read more]
- 6 years ago
I was obsessed with having people like me. I think the obsession stemmed from knowing what it’s like to be an outsider, feeling unworthy and unwanted. I didn’t want other people to feel the way I felt... [read more]
- 6 years ago
Perfection was my idol, not just at the beginning of the year, but every day. The fear of failure carried into my family life, my friendships, my career — even my relationship with God. My perfectioni... [read more]